Course Listing
Two-Year Curriculum
Four-Year Curriculum
Concurrent Enrollment
Grading System
Academic Calendar

Required course work for the two-year curriculum must be completed as follows.
Business: Business 201 or 223; Computer Science 110
Communications: English 100ab, 120; Speech 150ab; and Speech 260ab (required of male students only)
Home Economics: Home Economics 100ab (required of female students only)
Humanities and Fine Arts: Music 100 and either: English 211 and 212 or English 261 and 262
Natural Sciences and Mathematics: Either Mathematics 111 and 112 or Physical Science 101 and 102
Physical Education: Four semesters of Physical Education 100, unless approved for exemption. No more than four hours of Physical Education 100 may count toward the hours required for completion of a curriculum.
Social Science: History 111 and 112
Theology: Theology 100ab, 101, 102, 200ab, 201 and 202
Additional requirements include the following:
Credit Hours: A minimum of 67 total credit hours
Scholarship: A minimum grade point average of 2.0 (C)
Residence: Generally, a student must attend at least one year at Herbert W. Armstrong College. At least 12 of the last 20 hours counted toward the diploma must be completed in residence. The other credits may be earned at other institutions of higher learning and then transferred to AC, so long as they are comparable to the courses offered at AC.
Diploma Application: To receive a diploma, each student must apply at the Office of the Registrar by January 31 for graduation in May. All diploma requirements must be met at the end of the specified term, or a new Application for Graduation must be filed. Forms are available at the Office of the Registrar.
Faculty Approval: A student must gain recommendation and approval from the faculty to receive a two-year diploma and graduate.
Commencement Exercises: A student must attend commencement exercises to receive his or her diploma unless he or she has been excused by the Dean of Students.
Required course work for the two-year curriculum must be completed as follows.
Business: Business 201 or 223; Computer Science 110
Communications: English 100ab, 120; Speech 150ab; and Speech 260ab (required of male students only)
Home Economics: Home Economics 100ab (required of female students only)
Humanities and Fine Arts: Music 100 and either: English 211 and 212 or English 261 and 262
Natural Sciences and Mathematics: Either Mathematics 111 and 112 or Physical Science 101 and 102
Physical Education: Four semesters of Physical Education 100, unless approved for exemption. No more than four hours of Physical Education 100 may count toward the hours required for completion of a curriculum.
Social Science: History 111 and 112
Theology: Theology 100ab, 101, 102, 200ab, 201 and 202
Additional requirements include the following:
Credit Hours: A minimum of 67 total credit hours
Scholarship: A minimum grade point average of 2.0 (C)
Residence: Generally, a student must attend at least one year at Herbert W. Armstrong College. At least 12 of the last 20 hours counted toward the diploma must be completed in residence. The other credits may be earned at other institutions of higher learning and then transferred to AC, so long as they are comparable to the courses offered at AC.
Diploma Application: To receive a diploma, each student must apply at the Office of the Registrar by January 31 for graduation in May. All diploma requirements must be met at the end of the specified term, or a new Application for Graduation must be filed. Forms are available at the Office of the Registrar.
Faculty Approval: A student must gain recommendation and approval from the faculty to receive a two-year diploma and graduate.
Commencement Exercises: A student must attend commencement exercises to receive his or her diploma unless he or she has been excused by the Dean of Students.